06/02/2025 3:01 AM


Fashion The Revolution

Winter sports thrive in West Michigan as extreme weather continues

Muskegon State Park officials say they have seen record numbers of people participating in their activities this winter.

MUSKEGON, Michigan — On Saturday, Feb. 20, the Muskegon Winter Sports Complex sold out of their luging tickets. And this is not the first time this season.

They have a ticket cap of 300 on any given weekend day, and said they had close to 1,000-1,200 visitors showing up to their park this winter regularly.

Management said that they believe “due to the extremely cold winter weather conditions upkeeping their park and the constant need people are feeling to get out of the house,” this winter season has had one of the companies best turn outs.

The country has seen extreme winter weather this season and the complex credits those wind chills for keeping their ice rink frozen. Manager Bill Bailey told 13 ON YOUR SIDE that their trails now look better than they have the last five years.

Michigan State Park Rangers echoed that sentiment.

According to them, the camping sites have also seen a major increase in use.

“Usually we will have about 4-8 camp sites active and set up, this year its been close to 17-19 sites,” said DNR ranger Matt Schwemin. “I am constantly having to go plow more sites because we are getting more people.”

Winter Camping doesn’t include bugs, which is awesome, but it does involve lots of snow and moisture. 

Grand Rapids Boy Scout Troop 215 was at the park today working on some badges and gave me some tips to share, for if anyone is deciding to try it out.

-Dress in layers, but bring clothes to change into if you get wet

-Get some hand warmers, because ‘they’re awesome’

“You just got to know what you’re doing, and you learn that through experience which is why we are out here camping now,” said Boy Scout Will Selleck.

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