24/01/2025 11:02 PM


Fashion The Revolution

Akron Urban League, Access taking professional clothing, jewelry

Pat Mihelis of West Akron recently called me to ask if I knew of a nonprofit where she could donate professional clothes from her late husband.  

Alice Samuels wheels a cart of donated clothing to be sorted in the Career Clothing Closet at the Akron Urban League on Thursday.

After a little bit of searching, I saw that the Akron Urban League had a Career Clothing Closet where individuals who are going to interview for a job can get one free head-to-toe outfit. Then the person can return after getting the job and get five more outfits. 

As timing would have it, the Career Clothing Closet was just about to reopen to the public after closing for the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Additionally, another organization, Access, is accepting donated fine and costume jewelry for its annual fundraiser. I’ll share details of that in this column. 

The closet was exactly what Mihelis was seeking. Her husband of 46 years, Mike, had just died.