16/02/2025 6:13 PM


Fashion The Revolution

Christian Women’s Connection luncheon, fashion show March 8

Outside the Lenten roses are blooming, and the chirping birds are telling us that this month’s special feature of the Oak Ridge Women’s Connection Luncheon and Program is a fashion show by Chico’s of Turkey Creek.

Could it be that spring is soon to be here?

The Oak Ridge Christian Women’s Connection Luncheon and Program will be from 11 a.m. until 1 p.m. Tuesday, March 8, at the Doubletree Hotel, 215 S. Illinois Ave, Oak Ridge.

Beautiful Lenten Rose blooms announce the approaching Easter season. Creamy sepals tinged with pink enclose the unusual tubular-shaped tiny petals, yellow pollen-topped stamens, and white pistils.

Beautiful Lenten Rose blooms announce the approaching Easter season. Creamy sepals tinged with pink enclose the unusual tubular-shaped tiny petals, yellow pollen-topped stamens, and white pistils.

Come and see what’s new in fashion colors and what’s “hot” and “cool,” stated a news release from the Connection.

Linda Rothwell is the guest speaker, and she’s from Kingsport, Tenn. Come hear her speak about sharing in that special time in a couple’s life, in her talk about the “Wedding Invitation.”

Luncheon fare will be a buffet with beverage and dessert that is an all-inclusive at a cost of $16.

Reservations need to be called in by noon March 4. Free babysitting is available. Information on free sitter service arrangements need to be made at the time of making your reservation. Call (865) 323-3973.

This article originally appeared on Oakridger: Christian Women’s Connection luncheon, fashion show March 8