12/02/2025 4:20 AM


Fashion The Revolution

I visited Downtown Disney a week before Disneyland’s reopening and It felt like the safest place I’ve been since the start of the pandemic


Me in Downtown Disney. Brittany Chang/Insider

  • On April 22, I visited Downtown Disney in Anaheim, California, a week before Disneyland’s reopening on April 30.

  • Downtown Disney had a long list of health protocols that made it feel fortified against COVID-19.

  • The level of safety precautions has me convinced Disneyland will be able to reopen safely.

  • See more stories on Insider’s business page.

Disneyland Anaheim, California’s doors have been closed for over a year due to the COVID-19 pandemic, while Disney World in Florida has been open since summer 2020.

Disneyland California

Disneyland in Anaheim, California. eff Gritchen/MediaNews Group/Orange County Register via Getty Images

But in March, California announced stadiums and theme parks could open by April 1.


Downtown Disney. Brittany Chang/Insider

Source: Insider

Shortly after, Disneyland said it would be welcoming a limited number of California residents back on April 30.

disneyland california

Abigail Nilsson/Getty Images

“This is also good news for the Anaheim community, which depends on Disneyland for jobs and business generated by visitors,” Bob Chapek, the Walt Disney Company’s CEO, said in the annual shareholders meeting on March 9.

disneyland covid

Visitors take selfies in front of Sleeping Beauty Castle during the last day before Disneyland closes because of COVID-19 in Anaheim, California on March 13, 2020. Jeff Gritchen/MediaNews Group/Orange County Register/Getty Images

I grew up in Orange County, California, just a 20 to 25 minute drive from the theme park.

disneyland castle selfie

Visitors at Disneyland during the last day Disneyland was open before closing due to COVID-19. Jeff Gritchen/MediaNews Group/Orange County Register via Getty Images

My fondness for Disneyland is comparable to that of my affection for In-N-Out: I love them both because they remind me of home and my childhood.


Downtown Disney. Brittany Chang/Insider

But following Disneyland’s reopening announcement in March, I was concerned.

disneyland coronavirus vaccines

The vaccination line in a parking lot for Disneyland Resort in January. Mario Tama/Getty Images

How could a theme park, known for attracting hordes of people, be safe to visit during the coronavirus pandemic?

COVID Vaccine Line

The vaccination line in a parking lot for Disneyland Resort in January. Valerie Macon/AFP/Getty Images

I decided to go to Downtown Disney on April 22 – an early Thursday afternoon eight days before the theme park’s reopening – to see if the shopping area would give some insight into how safe Disneyland will be once it welcomes guests back.


Downtown Disney. Brittany Chang/Insider

Visitors have been allowed to stroll around Downtown Disney while the neighboring theme parks have been closed. I hoped if Downtown Disney has strict health protocols, Disneyland’s reopening could as well.

downtown disney

I decided to hop into my car on the overcast Thursday afternoon and drove up to Downtown Disney. And upon arriving at the parking lot, I was swiftly reminded of COVID-19 via a large health warning sign.


The entrance to the parking lot. Brittany Chang/Insider

From there, everywhere I looked, I saw another sign or poster reminding visitors of the ongoing health crisis.


Signs around Downtown Disney. Brittany Chang/Insider

After parking my car, I trekked down the path towards Downtown Disney and hit the first two checkpoints: a screening area for temperature checks, and a quick sniff from the security dogs.


The path heading towards the checkpoints. Brittany Chang/Insider

The temperature check was quick – I was on my way to the next checkpoint within a few seconds.


The health checkpoint. Brittany Chang/Insider

A few feet later, I hit the bag check area.


The security checkpoint at Downtown Disney. Brittany Chang/Insider

The typical health protocols were pretty obvious here: plexiglass shields and masked employees.


The security checkpoint. Brittany Chang/Insider

And after a quick check through my fanny pack and a stroll through the metal detectors, I finally stepped foot in the magically empty Downtown Disney.


Downtown Disney. Brittany Chang/Insider

On April 22, Downtown Disney looked like it had lost the spark I remembered from my childhood, solely because it was empty. There were a few families here and there, but no hoards of people on this slightly chilly Thursday afternoon.


Downtown Disney. Brittany Chang/Insider

As a small child, I remember battling tall adults and crowds just to walk through Downtown Disney with my family. Now, I was free to roam around without fear of colliding with other people.


Ralph Brennan’s Jazz Kitchen at Downtown Disney. Brittany Chang/Insider

Downtown Disney just doesn’t feel the same without the high energy that comes with massive crowds of people, but I wasn’t upset. An empty Downtown Disney made me feel safe amid COVID-19 concerns.


Downtown Disney. Brittany Chang/Insider

And everywhere I looked, I saw a sign or poster reminding visitors of the ongoing health crisis.


The signs around Downtown Disney. Brittany Chang/Insider

There were reminders of social distancing and face mask-wearing everywhere my eyes darted …


The security checkpoint. Brittany Chang/Insider

… from markers on the floor, to posters on poles, to little signs on the food stands.


The churro stand at Downtown Disney. Brittany Chang/Insider

Some social distancing markers denoting the lines for restaurants and retail stores, such as the World of Disney store shown below, stretched down the length of the storefronts.


The signs around Downtown Disney. Brittany Chang/Insider

I decided to take a peek around the World of Disney, and of course, there was a section dedicated to face masks. The store was quietly humming with people, but once again, I didn’t see the large crowds I was so used to.


A section of masks inside the World of Disney store at Downtown Disney. Brittany Chang/Insider

However, the long line of social distancing markers outside the store made me wonder just how crowded Downtown Disney can be on the weekend or more popular times.


The security checkpoint. Brittany Chang/Insider

But luckily for me, I barely had to worry about the social distancing markers because it was so calm during my visit: only one store had a line in front of it.


The line outside Marceline’s Confectionery in Downtown Disney. Brittany Chang/Insider

And notably, every guest I saw was wearing a face mask. Visitors are allowed to remove their face masks for food or drinks, but it seemed like eagle-eyed workers were on the hunt for any mask-less patrons.


The churro stand at Downtown Disney. Brittany Chang/Insider

During my stroll through Downtown, I noticed a child who was masked but didn’t have their nose covered.


Downtown Disney. Brittany Chang/Insider

Within seconds of me noticing, a Disney worker walked up to the child and kindly asked them to pull their face mask up over their nose.


Disney branded face masks. Brittany Chang/Insider

I was shocked by the interaction. I didn’t expect the workers to be so adamant about the mask-wearing protocol, but I was happily surprised by this diligence and vigilance.


Me in Downtown Disney. Brittany Chang/Insider

I noticed several other safety measures besides watchful workers and the sea of signs.


Social distancing signs; Brittany Chang/Insider

Most surprisingly was several outdoor public sinks that could be seen throughout the premise …


The hand-washing station. Brittany Chang/Insider

… all equipped with a faucet, soap, and paper towels.


The hand-washing station. Brittany Chang/Insider

I’ve never seen pop-up hand-washing stations before, and while I didn’t get the opportunity to use them, I was appreciative of the add-on.


The hand-washing station. Brittany Chang/Insider

However, I only saw one person using the sinks during my stroll around Downtown Disney.


Someone using the hand-washing station. Brittany Chang/Insider

Like every other public location I’ve visited during COVID-19, there were plenty of readily available hand sanitizer stations.


Hand sanitizer. Brittany Chang/Insider

And similar to any eatery these days, most of Downtown Disney’s restaurants had plexiglass bearings, distanced tables, and masked workers.


Ralph Brennan’s Jazz Kitchen at Downtown Disney. Brittany Chang/Insider

As I continued my walk through Downtown Disney, I spotted the gates of Disneyland and California Adventure. But as expected, everything was closed off to the public, and I could only catch glimpses of the theme parks inside.


A view into Disneyland. Brittany Chang/Insider

After a few laps around the Disney shopping area, I decided it was time to head back home.


The security checkpoint at Downtown Disney. Brittany Chang/Insider

Overall, the slew of visual reminders for mask-wearing and social distancing, lack of crowds, and vigilant workers made me feel extremely comfortable and safe.


Marceline’s Confectionery in Downtown Disney. Brittany Chang/Insider

It might have been the safest I’ve felt while out in public during COVID-19.


Downtown Disney. Brittany Chang/Insider

Of course, this might have been different if I had visited on a Saturday. I did, after all, visit on an early Thursday afternoon just a little over a week before Disneyland’s reopening.


Downtown Disney. Brittany Chang/Insider

But if the workers are as vigilant on crowded days as they were when I visited, I’m convinced Disneyland might have the chance to reopen safely.


Downtown Disney. Brittany Chang/Insider

As long as the guests adhere to the theme park’s health protocols as well.


A sign inside a store at the World of Disney store at Downtown Disney. Brittany Chang/Insider

Read the original article on Business Insider