05/03/2025 2:37 AM


Fashion The Revolution

Sleeping beauty: 5 dermatologist recommendations for nighttime body care | Senior Living Online Features

Minimize noise with a white noise machine or fan if you wake frequently during the night.

Practice a soothing bedtime routine, like turning off gadgets early and enjoying a warm, relaxing shower.

2. Use products that work overnight

Choose products that work overnight to moisturize to revitalize skin, renew your skin’s surface, and restore dry skin while you sleep. “If your skin sounds squeaky or feels tight after a shower, it has likely been stripped of its natural moisture,” said Farhang.

She recommends Olay Body Wash with Retinol. Supercharged with Retinol and Vitamin B3 Complex, this body wash supports your skin’s natural pH and deeply hydrates to replenish skin’s moisture barrier. It moisturizes to improve skin 3X better than the leading body wash to transform skin from dry and dull to bright and smooth!

3. Elevate your nighttime body care routine with a rinse-off body conditioner

Simply applying lotion after you shower may provide only temporary relief, leaving you reapplying frequently. Instead, Farhang recommends a proactive approach.

“You condition your hair, so why not condition your skin?” asked Farhang. “Consider adding an in-shower moisturizer such as Olay’s Rinse-Off Body Conditioner with Retinol for an added dose of moisture to help stop dry skin before it starts.”