19/01/2025 4:53 PM


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Winter clothing drive now accepting donations | News, Sports, Jobs

Photo supplied, World Finance

World Finance’s Ogden branch, DressWell Cleaners and the Ogden Rescue Mission are partnering to help keep those in need warm as the cold weather comes this winter.

OGDEN — A local winter clothing drive is underway this holiday season as DressWell Cleaners and World Finance have partnered up to ask the wider Wasatch Front community to drop off new and gently used winter clothes for the winter season, in order to repurpose them for families and individuals in need as the cold persists.

The clothing drive began Nov. 20 and will continue until Dec. 31. Organized by World Finance, community members are invited to drop off clothing at Ogden’s World Finance branch, located at 2260 Washington Blvd., during regular business hours, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday and 9 a.m. until noon Saturdays. Those in need may pick up items at the business during those same hours.

“To make sure the gently used donated items could feel just like new to their new owners, finding a partner to offer their dry-cleaning services for no charge was very important to us,” said Bethany Davis, manager of the World Finance branch in Ogden. “Luckily, DressWell Cleaners was more than willing to work with us when we reached out.”

Davis acknowledged that the winter months can be difficult for some families and individuals, so they began the drive this year for the first time. Davis hopes to see the clothing drive continue at that location for many years to come.

Any clothing items that will help keep those in need warm this winter is what is being asked for, such as waterproofed items, hats, gloves, coats, jackets and mittens — as well as any additional clothing items that donators would like to give.

Any remaining collected clothes will be donated to the Ogden Rescue Mission, 2775 Wall Ave., by the end of the year after they have been cleaned by DressWell Cleaners, located at 1840 W. 5300 S. in Roy.

Those interested in volunteering at Ogden Rescue Mission can visit ogdenrescuemission.org/volunteer or call 801-621-4360 to learn more.


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