16/02/2025 7:27 PM


Fashion The Revolution

Tips for winter running in Vermont: What to wear

It’s almost that time of the year again: winter. The “burrrr” in “Burlington” is back. To stay active, many of us join a gym, take a dance class, or get a yoga mat to do workouts at home. But some brave souls among us are willing to go out and face the elements head-on. Grab your spiked shoes, headband, and gloves — here are some important tips for running in the winter.

Layer up for cold weather runs

As dangerous as it is to be too cold while running, it’s also dangerous to be too hot. The organization RunVermont suggests not leaving the house with clothes that feel too hot, as the body will heat up significantly while running.

“If you overheat when running, you will end up sweating,” writes RunVermont. “That sweat will freeze and you will end up colder and in danger of hypothermia.”

This is why layers are key: they can always be added or removed to adjust to the body’s changing temperature. 

Rev. Dominic Rankin heads down South Feldkamp Avenue on a morning run with temperatures right at zero in Springfield, Ill., Monday, February 15, 2021. “Good, chilly but glad to get out,” said Rev. Rankin of his morning run. “It’s beautiful with the snow.” [Justin L. Fowler/The State Journal-Register]

Base, bottom and outer layers

Technical shirts, also known as “tech shirts,” can be a good base layer, as they are designed to wick away sweat and not absorb too much moisture, according to the site Runner’s World.

Running jackets and running vests can be good outer layers. RunVermont suggests finding jackets with zippers, so they can be opened up as the body starts to heat up. Jackets with zippers on the armpits are also a big plus.